Sports World Against Trafficking


I pledge to…

ENLIGHTEN those around me by discussing the realities of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. I will address the reality that sex trafficking and sexual abuse exist within and surrounding the sporting industry; that many young athletes are abused; that many sports fans and athletes purchase people for sex; that this is a crisis in our own backyards and not only in third world countries.

EDUCATE my community, friends, and family on the root causes of sex trafficking. I will share how people who buy sex are driving the demand that fuels the marketplace for commercial sexual exploitation. Most sex trafficked and prostituted individuals were first abused or bought and sold as children, and then they grow up and continue to be abused, bought, and sold as adults. I UNDERSTAND that these are not transactions, these are cases of commercialized rape. I understand that should I ever participate in any form of this, that I am contributing to that rape.

ENGAGE those who have been educated and provide opportunities to get involved with the movement. I will encourage members of my community to commit to never participate in practices that fuel human trafficking, including but not limited to the buying of another person for sex. I will engage them to take action by hosting a local awareness / charity event, by sharing information about sex trafficking and the harms of buying sex at local sporting events, or by sharing information and action points in other creative ways.

EMPOWER my community to change the culture. I will not stand by and allow these crimes to continue unchallenged.

I am taking responsibility to stand up as an advocate for ending human trafficking.