Sports World Against Trafficking


Enlighten Educate Engage Empower

Once the message has been conveyed to provide accurate and relatable awareness, the next step is education. The basic understanding of how trafficking works will instigate a desire for schools and parents to want their children to be continually educated in order to recognize trafficking and prevent it before it happens. For people who want to be proactive in prevention, they must first be educated to a deeper level so that they can maximize their personal impact. Our strategy offers several opportunities for education to different age groups.

Education Platform for Pro Sports Teams, Universities, and Schools

A collaborative effort of S.W.A.T. LEAGUE, Hue Jackson Foundation, Strike Out Slavery, Say Something Assemblies, Street Grace, Nudes No More, and others in an effort reduce the supply and the demand related to human trafficking.

Survivor Led School Assembly Campaign

We are excited to offer school assemblies in middle schools and high schools across the United States with experienced speakers that include survivors of exploitation and trafficking along with our experienced team. These assemblies are designed to prevent future supply and reduce future demand. It is also a sad reality that in most every school there are students who are already victims of trafficking to some extent. Our assemblies are proven to be effective in assisting those students in coming forward and ensuring their safety and support. Local professional and college sports teams are also involved in these assemblies.

Nudes No More Initiative

Nudes No More is designed to educate school administration, faculty, and students to the law and related issues regarding sending, receiving, storing, or forwarding explicit messages, photographs, and images via social media and/or mobile devices. The process is to first train the counselors and/or school resource officers so that they can then teach this to their students in a 15 minute assembly.